The introduction of ICT in schools. What is the relationship? A framework for technology policy

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Antonio Calvani


Why 'introducing ICT in school? If we put this question to policy makers or educators themselves in a plurality ciimbattiamo 'responses. The ambiguity 'is driven by different systems of expectations that are raised around them. Inquest work argues that if we are to understand the educational role of ICT must first reveal the hidden assumptions underlying the justification that they take when considering their introduction. In order to provide policy makers with a framework for a technology policy diriferimento rationally oriented are three different plans and argued that 'useful to keep distinct macroecologicoetico, and strategicoinnovativo microecologicoergonomico. Then we focus on the last level on all'efficaciadelle ICT for learning, emphasizing the role of "cognitive technologies" and presenting an overview of the possible media types diinterazioni mind, more 'or less conducive to learning.

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