The flipped classroom: innovating schools with digital tecnhology

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Graziano Cecchinato


New media are pervading the everyday lives of young people, leading to emergent cultural scenarios that call for a rethink of educational strategies in school. Increased production and sharing of open content is steadily opening up access to digital resources and facilitating their reuse in school contexts. A practice that is gaining popularity in the teaching community is “flipping the classroom”, i.e. inverting the classic sequence of classroom lecture and individual study. The widespread availability of video lessons, multimedia products and tools for online interaction means that content can now be accessed outside the school walls, while the phases of exercise, application and processing can take place at school in a collaborative environment designed and managed by the teacher. The pedagogical implications of this double inversion are twofold: personalition of learning in the first inversion, and active and peer learning in the second. This lays the foundations for the transformation of instructionist teaching into more constructivist and social practices. This contribution analyses the psycho-pedagogical assumptions, key issues, educational practices and operational tools involved in this strategy.

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