MWS-WEB: a system to support a pedagogical approach based on the concept of multiliteracies

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Davide Taibi
Ivana Marenzi
Deirdre Kantz
Giovanni Fulantelli


Web technologies have deeply changed the way we interact with one another, search for and share information, and learn. Traditional literacy skills based on the ability to read, write and speak no longer satisfy the level of active participation required in modern society. This has led experts to propose a new concept of multiliteracies, in which language and other modes of expression represent dynamic representational resources. Following a brief outline of a model supporting the pedagogy of multiliteracies, this article describes the MWS-web system, which provides specific tools to support learning processes based on the concept of multiliteracies. The system was tested in a pilot study involving dentistry students from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Pavia, Italy.

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