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Corrado Petrucco
Briana Zardinoni


The paper presents a study carried out at an Italian Local Health Unit in a professional training course for Multidisciplinary Day Surgery Nurses, based on the Digital Storytelling method. Through focus groups, participants told stories drawn from their real professional experiences where they found themselves facing a particularly critical problem. After discussing the problem and the skills needed to solve it, they transformed the stories into digital narratives. Digital Storytelling through role-playing in real work settings brought out the emotional, participatory and collaborative dimensions. The development of the script and the storyboard with the use of photos and videos made it possible to focus on the specific settings where the narrated problems unfolded, foregrounding a great deal of tacit knowledge. The videos were then published online as training materials for continuing professional development among peers or for novice nurses in other Health Units in the local area.

Article Details

Articles - Special Issue
Author Biography

Briana Zardinoni, ULSS 12 Venice

Briana Zardinoni is a nursing Coordinator in the ECM  training for Multidisciplinary Day Surgery at ULSS 12 Veneto, Italy.


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