“At the tip of data…”: Developing Literacy in educators’ professional development

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Maria Ranieri
Gabriele Biagini
Stefano Cuomo
Elena Gabbi


This paper presents the results of a study aimed at exploring the perceptions of effectiveness and relevance of a training course addressed to socio-pedagogical educators, to develop a critical-reflective sensitivity towards data. The study also intended to investigate the perceptions of educators with respect to the nature of statistics and the contribution it can offer to educational professionals. The tool used for the study was an ad hoc questionnaire, which was filled in by 123 educators who participated in the course. The results indicate that the intervention was appreciated both from an educational and thematic point of view, even if the dimensions of interdisciplinarity and interactivity could be further improved. As regards the perceptions relating to data-based knowledge, with particular reference to statistics, a feeling of cautious optimism shines through, in which an open vision makes its way towards the contribution of quantitative data, without idealizing its role as a univocal source of knowledge of the reality.

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Articles - Special Issue


Autore/i, 2022
Autore/i, 2021
Autore, 2020
Autore/i, 2018
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