Humanising AI-DriveEducation: Balancing digital skills and soft skills in European universities

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Fabiana Coluzzi
Vincenzo Galatro
Alfonso J. López Rivero


This study examines the integration of humanistic management and digital skills within higher education, focusing on the evolving landscape shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of AI technologies. As universities worldwide adapt to increased digitalization, developing soft skills—such as emotional intelligence, communication, and critical thinking—has become paramount. This research explores the current state of digital competencies among educators in Spain and Italy, revealing a gap between the required and actual skill levels. The study highlights the importance of experiential learning methods, like LEGO Serious Play, in fostering these essential soft skills. Through a mixed-methods approach, the Bricks x Tips Lab serves as a case study, demonstrating the impact of humanistic training on educators' abilities to integrate technology and effectively maintain a human-centric educational experience. Findings suggest that while digital tools enhance flexibility and accessibility, the human element remains crucial for engagement and practical learning. This research underscores the need for comprehensive AI education policies and targeted training programs to equip educators with digital and soft skills, ensuring a balanced and inclusive approach to modern education.

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