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Albert Sangrà Morer
Montse Guitert
Nati Cabrera-Lanzo
Maria Taulats
Lidia Toda
Anna Carrillo


Online universities have been always concerned about the quality of online education. However, the current rankings systems do not consider their singularities, and thus current rating criteria and indicators result in downgrading of their position in the rankings. CODUR (Creating an Online Dimension for University Rankings) is a European project that developed a set of criteria and indicators for evaluating the online dimension of university rankings. Criteria and indicators were created from a participatory research approach. A Toolbox to support data collection (and management) from the online universities to be ranked was also developed. This paper presents the testing process of this Toolbox, carried out with four international universities, located in different continents. These institutions have tested the feasibility of gathering the expected data to feed the indicators. The Toolbox test has been shown useful to forecast the availability of the data to feed the online dimension indicators.

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