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Torrey Trust
Jeromie Whalen


During the COVID-19 pandemic, more teachers than ever before turned to technology
to support continuity of learning for students at a distance. This study explores K-12 teachers’ (N=334)
experiences and challenges with using technology for emergency remote teaching. Ninety percent of the
participants were located in the United States, with the remaining respondents located internationally.
Findings indicate that while educators increased their use of digital tools, these technologies seemed
to support traditional classroom communication, information delivery, and management practices.
Participants identified several challenges, including accessing, evaluating, learning to use, designing
instruction with, and supporting student and family use of technology. These concerns, combined with the
rapid pace at which technology had to be employed at a time of great uncertainty, left educators feeling
woefully ill-prepared for effective remote teaching. This paper considers why technology may not have
lived up to its potential in a time of immense need.

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Articles - Special Issue


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