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Luigina Mortari
Alessia Bevilacqua
Roberta Silva
Giuseppe Borzellino


In recent decades, Medical Education has undergone several radical changes. Moreover, the changes currently due to the Covid-19 emergency must be added. This paper aims to share the results of a teaching innovation in medical education based on Team-Based Learning (TBL), which was implemented within an elective course in the Master's Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery. The results of the mixed method evaluative research led to identify interpretative elements concerning the students’ engagement, their learning outcomes, and their perceptions about the teaching approach. The TBL, if introduced progressively and implemented with appropriate scaffolding actions through the exploitation of the potential of educational technologies, can lead to positive results. It can indeed facilitate a greater involvement of the students and the mobilization of the knowledge autonomously acquired in order to face tasks with increasing cognitive complexity, as well as an empowerment process of the "learning to learn" skill in the perspective of lifelong learning.

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