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Mary Frances Buckley-Marudas
Shelley E. Rose


In May 2020, the Cleveland Teaching Collaborative (CTC) was created as a digital hub for educators to come together to both reflect on and learn from their individual and collective experiences as instructors during the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the three core components of this hub is the CTC Resource Referatory. The creators of the CTC saw the curation of educational resources as a way to contextualize educator experiences and respond to instructor needs from a place of collective care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the CTC’s focus on pedagogies of care and humanizing instructional practice, the curation of the growing number of educational resources that emerged from the CTC’s efforts reveals the limits of longstanding library cataloguing practices that are grounded in controlled vocabularies. The constraints of some of the most commonly used cataloguing practices became a productive tension for the CTC designers and collaborators who were committed to developing a referatory centered around humanizing pedagogies and collective knowledge generation.

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