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Stine Brynildsen
Ilka Nagel
Irina Engeness


This study examines teachers’ experiences in fostering professional digital competence (PDC) by participating in TeachMeet. TeachMeet are bottom-up professional development events where teachers meet to share pedagogical ideas about teaching and learning using digital technology. The study also examines how this participation may nurture teachers’ transformative digital agency as competent digital practitioners. The study employs qualitative methods, drawing on data from open-ended questionnaire answers (n=36) and five in-depth interviews. Thematic analysis is performed by taking an inductive approach to identify themes and drawing on the Norwegian PDC Framework for Teachers as the analytical lens. The findings reveal that the teachers consider participation in TeachMeet useful for the development of their PDC and participation may nurture teachers’ transformative digital agency. These findings have implications for facilitating teachers’ continuing professional development by focussing not only on their pedagogical and technological competencies but also their agentic capacities.

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Author Biographies

Stine Brynildsen, Department of Education, Østfold University College, Halden, Norway

Department of Education, ICT and Learning, Assistant Professor

Ilka Nagel, Department of Education, Østfold University College, Halden, Norway

Department of Education, ICT and Learning, Assistant Professor

Irina Engeness, Department of Education, Østfold University College, Halden, Norway

Department of Education, ICT and Learning, Professor


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