Inclusive science communication: Tools from the natural sounds

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Salvatore Bondì
Serena Ferraro
Girolama Biondo
Tiziana Masullo
Marco Torri
Antonino Adamo
Marianna Musco
Carmelo Bennici
Vito Pipitone
Riccardo Santolini
Angela Cuttitta


Scientific popularization for people with sensory disabilities is today insufficient and lacking in specific methods as it uses contents rich in visual and abstract references, difficult to assimilate by those with perceptual or sensory deficiencies. This research aims to fill the gap through an exploratory case study, conducted with an inclusive and multisensory method. This method is based on the use of natural sounds to communicate complex concepts related to ecology and environmental vulnerability. It has a bottom-up approach, starting from a single theme to arrive at the definition of ecosystems and environmental emergencies. The results indicate that natural sounds contribute to students’ learning by improving the ability to recognize and describe ecological and environmental issues. The proposed method was highly appreciated by the participants and exhibits excellent performance and great expandability to complex themes.

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