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Maria Giulia Ballatore
Fabio Nascimbeni
Daniel Burgos
Anita Tabacco


This investigation was performed to determine whether and how the implementation of open educational practices (OEP) is directly influenced by lecturers' backgrounds and preferences in terms of teaching modalities. In particular, we have analysed the use of OEPs from a social perspective to understand whether the habit to work in online and blended settings is connected to the use of open teaching approaches. Exploring this relationship has evidenced common patterns that suggest how lecturers can be further motivated to explore areas of openness where they are not advanced concerning classroom diversity and increase the social impact of their teaching. This research shows two main approaches to openness: one focused on open educational resources only and another one with a broader perspective that embraces other aspects of openness, such as access or practices. This work will help understand the relevance of contextual variables and further explore enablers for building open education capacity across universities.

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