Critical digital literacy and active citizenship at school: The experience of the Scientix Ambassadors

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Francesco Maiorana
Stefania Altieri
Angela Colli
Mirko Labri
Lidia Nazzaro
Marina Porta
Alice Severi
Giusy Cristaldi


Quality education represents one of the leading goals among the United Nations sustainable goals and its centrality is internationally recognized. The paper, after reviewing how to reach quality education and which competencies students should reach, presents the Scientix project. With a participatory action research and peer-led experiential learning approach, a number of experiences are shared as a proof of concept about educational intervention coupling research and practices. The experiences cover all school levels and aspects spanning Information Literacies related to online inquiry process and source validation and verification; Data Literacy and its importance for active and critical participation in society; Digital Citizenship and sustainable use of technologies and digital civic engagement and technology use related to Computational Thinking and coding. The work lays the basis for the assessment of key factors in learning resource design and key educational practices with the greatest positive impact on the students’ learning path.

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