Towards an extended framework for digital competence of educators. The validation process through experts’ review

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Elena Gabbi
Ilaria Ancillotti


In response to recent changes in the educational landscape, educators are increasingly expected to possess a diverse range of skills, knowledge and competences related to teaching with ICT. However, in the complex post-COVID scenario, it seems that the essential role of social-relational and emotional skills in effectively transmitting educational content is often overlooked in the institutional and training interventions. In this article, we illustrate the validation phase of the D-Paideia Qualification Framework, which serves as an extension and update of the DigCompEdu framework about these topics. Through consultation with a panel of 30 international experts, we identified points of connection and divergence between the new competences introduced and those already present in the original framework, as well as assessing and improving the naming and descriptions of the new competences.

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