Innovative didactics and ICT in the Sports Science Degree: An integrated approach for university teacher education

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Arianna Fogliata
Stefano Tardini
Antinea Ambretti


In the field of university sports science education, the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can provide added value to teacher training. This study explores compatibility of movement learning with innovative teaching methodologies. Utilizing the Synchrony methodology and through careful analysis, strategies have been proposed to merge theoretical learning with proprioceptive learning, via activities in eLearning, for the development of practical motor skills. The investigation emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinarity, highlighting the need for an educational approach that increasingly adapts to the contemporary needs of students. By activating ICT specifically designed for motor education, the authors aim to ensure that students acquire both a solid theoretical foundation and the ability to apply this knowledge in personal practice, thereby preparing them more effectively for professional contexts of the future. This approach could offer a richer and more up-to-date educational experience, as confirmed by the Delphi, supported by European Union guidelines.

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