“I like everything about it” - Perceived educational value of a digital gaming experience with Assassin’s Creed Odyssey: Discovery Tour

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Michele Sardo
Mattia Thibault


While research on videogames in education mostly focuses on demonstrating the effectiveness of Game Based Learning in a broad range of educational contexts, few studies have focused on examining in-depth stakeholders’ perceptions in the educational/teaching area concerning gaming experiences based on a first-person play session. To fill this gap, this study presents the results of a reflexive thematic analysis of the answers to a qualitative survey based on a gaming experience of 13 informants related to the educational field (teachers, researchers, and Master degree students). The game used in the experience was Assassin’s Creed Odyssey: Discovery Tour. The main aim was to understand their perceptions of possible uses of this digital game in formal educational contexts. Our analysis reveals the general perception of a significant overall advantage in the use of this game as an instructional tool compared to a traditional pedagogical approach. Pedagogical solutions for an instructional implementation and design, teaching interventions, critical perspectives are discussed.

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Author Biography

Mattia Thibault, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland

Dr Mattia Thibault is an Associate Professor in Translation in the Creative Industries at Tampere University and has a PhD in Semiotics and Media (Turin University). His research interests include semiotics and translation, extended realities, speculative research, and playfulness in the built environment (real and digital). He is the leader of the research group InterReality which focuses on the relations between different virtual spaces (and their inhabitants) and their connections with the “real” world.


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