Metacognitive reflection in online environments and self-study in university courses

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Ottavia Albanese
Nicoletta Businaro
Stefano Cacciamani
Barbara De Marco
Eleonora Farina
Tiziana Ferrini
Luca Vanin


The metacognitive processes of critical thinking, regulation and guiding of cognitive mechanisms are fundamental in promoting self-regulated learning, which, in turn, is crucial for academic success. ICT offers significant possibilities for supporting these capacities. We describe two different experiences in which tools for metacognitive reflection have been implemented in online environments in order to sustain self-regulation in university study. In both cases the students participated in online units – one on educational psychology, the other on study methodology – followed by discussions for stimulating metacognitive reflection. In both experiences, the proposed tools promoted advanced epistemic activation and better awareness of personal self-regulation skills in study processes.

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