Assessing the digital competence. Theoretical models and application tools

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Antonio Calvani
Antonio Fini
Maria Ranieri


In recent years the issue of digital competence, in its various facets, and 'was the subject of crescenteattenzione. Recently this expertise and 'formally entered also in the framework of basic skills for LifelongLearning (2006/962/EC). This official recognition attests to the importance and raises some urgent questions. How puo'intendere and define this competence? How can 'be assessed? We present a theoretical model for the representation of digital competence, sensitive to instances of an educational nature, and a set of tools for its valutazioneInstant Situated DCA and DCA? Goal 'to encourage a meaning digital and pedagogically significant dicompetenza make available the means of assessing schools. The tests are available online and you can access all lescuole after recording using the site:

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