Italian in Turkey: intercultural learning in virtual worlds

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Antonella Elia


This article presents an ongoing experimental pilot project being carried out at the Italian Department of Istanbul University’s Virtual Campus (VC). Following a description of the Turkish context, the potentialities that virtual worlds offer for education are discussed. The focus of the project is specifically on Second Life, a digital environment suitable for intercultural education that offers fluid spaces for meetings, intertwinements and linguistic and cultural contaminations. We have sought to foster a positive attitude towards collaboration and mutual intercultural understanding in the informally relaxed and playful atmosphere of a VC space called ‘’Italian Language Park”. The ongoing project is demonstrating how, and to what extent, the world could be transformed into a global village, a place where immersive technologies are leveraged so that linguistic and cultural diversity become core strengths that make a significant contribution to intercultural dialogue and the peace process.

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Articles - Special Issue
Author Biography

Antonella Elia, Istanbul University

Lector of Italian in the Department of Italian  Language and Literature, Faculty of Letter - Istanbul University


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