Nursing Community 2.0: a method to promote online collaborative learning

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Maura I. Cascio
Ilenia Parenti
Alessandra Catino
M. Luisa Zoda
Valentina C. Botta


This article describes a project that aimed to establish an online community of practice involving nursing staff in Sicily. Known as Nursing Community 2.0, the initiative attracted 156 nurses and was promoted by CEFPAS, the Centre for Training and Research in Public Health. The project was designed to provide nurses with a virtual space for building collaborative relationships, exchanging professional knowledge and practices, developing competencies, shaping organizational policy and reporting Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs). To assess the efficacy of Nursing Community 2.0, an evaluation study was conducted that nvolved
qualitative and quantitative analysis of online interactions. Results indicate that, thanks to the deployment of suitable technology and expert tutor support, Nursing Community 2.0 has successfully established itself as an environment for generating and exchanging knowledge.

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