The Trialogical Learning Approach to innovate teaching

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Nadia Sansone
Donatella Cesareni
Maria Beatrice Ligorio


This article focuses on a case of implementing the Trialogical Learning Approach (TLA) in two classes in the first year of a university school for future osteopaths (N = 36). The approach involves the creation of useful and tangible objects through alternation between individual and group activities, supported by digital technologies. The aim of the study is to observe the impact of TLA on the quality of learning products made by students and on teaching style, as well as to collect students’ views on activities. The collected data (individual and group products, notes inserted online, audio recordings of lessons, final questionnaires) have been analyzed using a mixed qualitative and quantitative approach. The results show: a) positive evolution in the quality of individual and group products; b) progression from a transmissive teaching style towards one more oriented to collaboration and knowledge building; c) general appreciation of the innovative method and its potential for fostering social skills useful for future employment.

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