After hours. Teacher time in online learning

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Manuela Milani
Juliana Elisa Raffaghelli
Patrizia Maria Margherita Ghislandi


This paper reports the results of a research study on the problem of online teaching time.
The study was based on a qualitative approach that combined digital ethnography with thematic and
content analysis. It comprised analysis of online communications between academics and experts of
different nationalities engaged in the LinkedIn professional network. Content analysis relating these
professional conversations enabled the authors to reach the following conclusions: a) university teachers
who deliver online courses, particularly those based on constructivist and collaborative approaches, have
a perception of high workload connected to this activity; b) intrinsic motivation hence becomes crucial to ensure continuity in pedagogical practices of this type; c) the lack of acknowledgement of this activity atinstitutional level generates frustration; d) awareness of the issue and related problems seems to be scarce at the level of institutional governance and also among faculty members.

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