Facilitating a paradigm shift for teaching and learning with AIs

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Francesca Mastrogiacomi


This paper explores how the role of educators is transforming into that of facilitators of change. The main idea is prioritising human learners, enhancing their capacity to learn autonomously, and seamlessly integrating upcoming technologies into an educational framework focused on the individual. This approach uses technology to support and refine learners' metacognitive abilities, allowing them to analyse and interpret digital and real-world information critically. Artificial Intelligences (AIs) are crucial in information retrieval, content generation, proofreading, validation, deduplication, and assessment in education. Human educators must work collaboratively with AIs, redefining the boundaries of professional and personal education. One of the critical challenges for educators working with learners is to build trust in individuals' unique cognitive skills and engage in open dialogues about the ethical implications of technological advancements, including the potential risks of relinquishing our human capabilities to AI systems.

Article Details

Articles - Special Issue
Author Biography

Francesca Mastrogiacomi, LUISS Business School

Professor of Practice

Digital Innovation and Business Transformation


12 years of international managerial experience in a fast-paced innovative working environment like Google. Experienced in digital, innovation, change management, sales, strategy and operations. Proven academic and professional excellence in research, teaching and learning design.


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