Tackling the digital divide: Exploring ICT access and usage patterns among final-year upper secondary students in Italy

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Donatella Papa
Marta Desimoni


This study examines the access and usage of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) outside the school environment among upper secondary students in Italy, based on data from the 2021-2022 INVALSI Field Trial. The study investigates the availability of digital devices such as desktops, laptops, and smartphones, and explores usage patterns through a questionnaire addressing the first and second digital divides, socio-demographics, and other relevant factors. The findings provide food for thought for those who need to manage technology and enhance learning. Notably, 96% of students reported having access to a computer at home for both learning and non-learning activities, and 88% had internet connectivity at home. While initial results suggest a reduction in the digital access gap, logistic regression models indicate that the first-level digital divide remains challenging for certain socio-economic groups. Using association rules data mining techniques, therefore, specific activities were identified as the most influential among students. Most of the grade 13 students possessed ICT tools and used them primarily for leisure activities such as social media, online communication platforms, entertainment videos and music, and web browsing.

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