The potential application in Italy of the “DHEPS” model

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Davide Lago


This paper outlines the possibilities for adopting the DHEPS (Diplôme des Hautes Études des Pratiques Sociales) in Italy and its potential as a driver of change. Conceived by French sociologist Henri Desroche (1914-1994) in the late fifties and institutionalized in 1978, this university diploma is a real lifelong learning training course. Each candidate conducts scientific research focused on an aspect of their practical experience, with the aim of developing an innovative project. This training course, which Desroche has repeatedly called praxeological, consists of theoretical and methodological seminars. In addition, support is provided from an academic adviser and other resource providers with considerable experience and skills, and extensive teamwork sessions are featured.

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Articles - Special Issue
Author Biography

Davide Lago, Università di Genova, Genova

PerForm (Centro di Formazione Permanente)


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