Online reading comprehension: from a theoretical model to the development of a Web tool

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Mario Allegra
Giuseppe Chiazzese
Antonella Chifari
Gianluca Merlo
Simona Ottaviano
Luciano Seta


This article aims to promote reflection on some crucial aspects of online reading comprehension. Examination of the Italian scenario regarding reading comprehension issues highlights a dramatic state of affairs, with a generation of students who have poor reading skills and are often unable to use simple cognitive strategies. The IREC model is proposed as a response to this critical situation, taking into consideration the key role which ICT can play. The aim of the model is to support the design of innovative web learning tools to meet present educational needs. The features and applications of the Gym2Learn system are described as an example of how the model can be applied. The article concludes with some considerations on the need to devise new educational strategies to improve students’ reading comprehension skills, and also to foster efforts to better understand the methodological and technological aspects involved in online reading comprehension.

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Articles - Special Issue


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