Cognitive and metacognitive processes involved in arithmetic problem solving: the software "Solving Arithmetic Problems"

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Antonella D'Amico
Rossana La Porta


This paper examines recent literature about mathematical problem solving and describes a multimedia software program called “Risolvere problemi aritmetici”, which deals with arithmetical problem solving. The software was developed for primary school children and also for children with difficulties in arithmetical problem solving. “Risolvere problemi aritmetici” contains both a test module and a training module. The test module consists of a set of arithmetical problems ordered according to difficulty level. The training module comprises a series of activities centred on arithmetical problem comprehension, representation, categorization and planning. It also features specific activities dedicated to the training of memory abilities involved in problem solving. The training module has a metacognitive orientation, since the learner is guided through the system by two “schoolmates” who stimulate metacognitive skills through questions about the activities.

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Articles - Special Issue
Author Biography

Rossana La Porta, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Palermo

Dipartimento di Psicologia


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