Interactive whiteboards and multimedia educational innovation

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Maria Teresa di Palma
Roberto Didoni


How the IWB can 'help to meet the educational and pedagogical issues that teachers today are facing adover and can be briefly summarized by questions such as how to improve the results scolasticidegli students and let them reach educational success? ? obvious that a technological resource, also versatile and full of potential 'alone can not' provide solutions. The authors analyze the potential 'of LIM in relation to different types of innovazionedidattica, focusing in particular on the collaborative construction of knowledge, the cuidifficolta' piu'da implementation result of a particular epistemological status of traditional learning not from the will '/ ability' of individual teachers. Finally vieneproposto a trial scheme for the area storicogeografica, in which aspects of teaching more 'traditional vengonoconiugati with the most' innovative, giving tips on how to use the new technology.

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Articles - Special Issue


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