Didaduezero project: an action research to promote relations between schools and the territory of Web 2.0 tools

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Monica Campion
Corrado Petrucco


While students use social software outside school and are accustomed to social networking in informal contexts, it is still very rare for such software to be adopted in support of curricular activities in mainstream education. Undertaken in collaboration with IPRASE (Istituto Provinciale per la Ricerca e la Sperimentazione Educativa), this action research on digital competence investigates learning processes in informal and non-formal situations mediated by new Web 2.0 technologies and examines their possible integration within the formal school curriculum. The research involves creating and testing active learning environments using social software. Students and teachers collaborate with the local community to create digital artefacts that are highly contextualized in the real world, making them useful to the whole community.

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Articles - Special Issue
Author Biography

Monica Campion, Università degli Studi di Padova, Padova

Facoltà Scienze della Formazione


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