The analysis of lessons: in the initial training of teachers

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Rossella Santagata


This article reports an experience of teacher training held at the SSIS Lazio in collaboration with a U.S. research lab, LessonLab. The guiding idea of the group and LessonLab 'to create a body of professional knowledge related to teaching practice . Central to this body and 'a digital library of lessons that teachers can access via the Internet.

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Articles - Special Issue


Santagata R., Stigler J. W. (2000), Teaching mathematics: Italian lessons from a cross-cultural perspective, Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 2(3), pp.191-208.

Santagata R., Zannoni C. (in stampa), Multimedialità e formazione dei futuri insegnanti: resoconto di un’esperienza con il software LessonLab, Università e Scuola.

Stigler J. W., Hiebert J. (1999), The Teaching Gap, Free Press, New York.

Zannoni C., Santagata R. (2002), L’uso di LessonLab software nella formazione professionale dei docenti, comunicazione presentata al XII congresso nazionale AIRIPA, Udine, Ottobre 2002.