Balancing between ICT training and reflective practice in teachers’ professional development

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Laura Parigi


In-service teachers who engage in training on digital technology in education often have a dual profile: they are novices in terms of technological knowledge but at the same time are expert professionals when it comes to teaching practices. Meeting needs at both levels is not an easy task. Since 2001 INDIRE, an Italian institute for educational research, has been facing this problem in its provision of large-scale national training programs on educational technology. In the past, an inadequate response to technology literacy needs has often been the main cause of high dropout rates. However, in more recent times, participating teachers seem to have gained awareness that integrating ICTs in their teaching goes beyond the mere capacity to use technology; they are now requesting more training on pedagogical aspects and subject-related strategies. In this paper we analyse the case of two INDIRE courses, PON Didatec Base and PON Didatec Avanzato, which in 2012 and 2013 trained approximately fifteen thousand teachers, achieving good satisfaction levels and a significant decrease in dropout rates compared to previous courses.

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