Social networks as teaching tools: perceptions and teacher and student attitudes

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Valentina Grion
Stefania Bianco


The increasingly widespread use of social network sites (SNS), particularly among young people, is a global phenomenon attracting increasing research attention. The use of SNS in school contexts has sparked an interesting debate between the supporters and sceptics. This research study is intended to provide a platform for the main protagonists of school life: students and teachers. The goal was to gain insight into the visions and representations about didactic social networking practice as expressed by the 500 participating students and 353 secondary teachers. An online questionnaire was developed in distinct versions for the two groups and a mixed method approach was used for data analysis. The results provide a first attempt at representing the use and educational potentialities of SNS in Italian secondary school. They also provide a basis for some considerations about assigning a greater weight to young people’s role and prospects in the educational contest, both in research and for educational reform.

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