The Flipped Classroom approach in the “Avanguardie Educative” Movement

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Michelle Pieri
Chiara Laici


This contribution, which begins with an introduction to the Flipped Classroom approach
and the “Avanguardie Educative” movement, presents the main findings of a survey into this practice
conducted through a semi-structured questionnaire distributed to a group of participating schools. Initial
results from the valid questionnaire responses (n=107) indicate that where the Flipped Classroom technique
is implemented across disciplines, this is generally performed by a small group of teachers and is mainly
adopted to actively engage students in the learning process. Enabling and hindering factors in implementing
this approach include the availability of technology at school and the level of teacher training. This approach
is mainly used in learning activities such as group work, laboratory lessons and problem solving. Finally, the
ability to learn-to-learn and digital competence emerge as the main student competences that this approach

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