Nei panni dei migranti. Un gioco per acquisire consapevolezza e supportare l’apprendimento a lungo termine

Contenuto principale dell'articolo

Francesca Antonacci
Maresa Bertolo
Ilaria Mariani


Questo contributo guarda al gioco come tecnologia per la comunicazione e l’apprendimento, analizzandolo in particolare come volto all’integrazione di migranti, tramite l’analisi del gioco urbano persuasivo A Hostile World e dei risultati di ricerca conseguiti in occasione della sua applicazione su due gruppi di adolescenti individuati per i loro comportamenti ostili nei confronti degli immigrati. Lo scopo del gioco è far immergere i partecipanti in situazioni inconsuete, per problematizzare e modificare attitudini mentali e preconcetti esistenti, promuovendo acquisizioni di saperi capaci di modificare comportamenti e aumentare l’empatia. Lo studio è una ricerca-azione condotta tramite questionari qualitativi somministrati pre- e post-esperienza, brevi interviste e focus group. L’analisi dei risultati rivela che i giocatori sono stati coinvolti in toccanti, scomodi processi di identificazione che hanno ridotto pregiudizi esistenti, incrementando la comprensione delle fatiche e fragilità altrui, con risultati rilevanti in termini di apprendimento trasformativo, che ancora persiste.

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Biografie autore

Francesca Antonacci, Dipartimento di Scienze umane per la formazione "Riccardo Massa", Milano Bicocca University

Francesca Antonacci, PhD in Science of Education (2004) is actually Researcher and Assistant professor (from 2007) at Milano Bicocca University (Italy), she holds the chair in Play and Education. Her leading research interests include myths and symbols of education, theories and research methodologies about an imaginative education, theoretical approaches in the field of performing arts and their connections with education.

Maresa Bertolo, Design Department, Politecnico di Milano

Maresa Bertolo is Assistant Professor at Design Department, Politecnico di Milano, member of ImagisLab group.

She teaches Computer Graphics and Game Design (School of Design, Politecnico di Milano), dealing with 2D and 3D animation, stereoscopy, interactive VE, interactive systems and games, focusing on theoretical and practical aspects of the design process,leading students to real games prototypes.

Her research focuses on Game Studies, with a particular interest on ludic activity as vehicle for communication, learning and best practices. She supervises PhD and Msc thesis on Game Studies and Game Design, working with students on many different declinations related with the relationship between play and humans, looking for games able to improve the quality of life for different categories of people on a variety of topics, such as oldage, social rules, communication, ethnical diversities, multiculturality, environmental sustainability. She contributes to international research through papers, intervention in books, participation at conferences; she is co-author of "Game Design" (Pearson, 2014).

Ilaria Mariani, Design Department, Politecnico di Milano

PhD in Design at Politecnico di Milano, Ilaria designs, investigates and lectures in games for social change as systems for communication and social innovation. Her research – theoretical and practical – mainly addresses the meaningful negative experiences certain games create to activate reflection and change. She focuses on games that challenge players to explore civic, social, political, moral or ethical issues, encouraging an alteration of entrenched attitudes and sometimes even behaviours. She researches on games and play(er) experiences both as forms of enquiry as exploration, and as a process of self- and meta-interrogation. To comprehend the impact on players and assess wether the game effectiveness in transferring meanings, she develops and employs interdisciplinary practices and tools (quantitative + qualitative). 

She is part of ImagisLab group, focusing on Game Design, Interactive Narratives and Communication.

As author of scientific essays, articles and as co-author of a book on game design, she is presenting her work at various national and international conferences. 

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