DELAROSE : e-learning con crediti formativi per gestire lo stress lavorativo

Contenuto principale dell'articolo

Riccardo Mazza
Stefan Kunz
Cathal Ryan
John Wells


Il progetto DELAROSE ha sviluppato un corso completamente online, in 3 lingue, con il quale i lavoratori del settore sanitario e sociale imparano a gestire lo stress lavorativo e acquisiscono dei crediti formativi ECTS e ECVET.

Dettagli dell'articolo

Rubrica "Progetti"

Riferimenti bibliografici

Department of Health (2010). Invisible patients: a report of the working group on the health of health professionals. London,UK: Department of Health.

European Commission (2011). Report on the implementation of the European social partners’ Framework Agreement on Workrelated Stress. Commission Staff Working Paper. Brussels, BE: European Commission.

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (2014). Priorities for Occupational Safety and Health Research in Europe: 2013-2020. Brussels, BE: EU-OSHA.

Gardner, H. (1999). Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century. New York, NY: Basic Books.

Ridge, M., Wells, J. S. G., Denny, M., Cunningham, J., & Chalder, T. (2011). Developing a webbased stress management intervention for occupational support workers. Journal of Mental Health, 20(22), 185-197.

Weber, E. (2005). MI Strategies in the Classroom and Beyond: Using Roundtable Learning. Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

Wells, J. S. G. (2011). The Impact of Stress Amongst Health Professionals. Journal of Mental Health, 20(22), 111-11