Giorgione and the mystery of water: an art history webquest

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Valentina Meli


This article deals with the development of an art history webquest carried out at a Liceo Scientifico (Sciences High School). While the described activity was complex to plan and manage, the results obtained, in terms of increased knowledge, skills and motivation, justify the amount of time and energies devoted to it. The article explains the reasons, the organization and above all the results of the work performed. The employment of a webquest, a problem-solving approach, in the teaching of art history has fulfilled a specific learning requirement related to the historical dimension of the subject. It may also be assumed that webquests can meet more complex educational requirements, such as the development of creative skills and greater autonomy in critical analysis of art works and visual arts in general. In this case, technology helps to create a challenging and cooperative environment, enabling students to play an active role in the process of building their knowledge.

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Articles - Special Issue


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